Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cooper's class field trip to the Springfield Zoo

I had the privilege of going with Cooper's class to Springfield's Dickerson Park Zoo this year! We had a LOT of fun! Each parent was assigned 3-4 kids to be in charge of. My group paired up with Lucas's mom's group, and we had a lot of fun together! The rain held off until we had JUST barely finished our picnic lunch, and then we rushed onto the bus and headed back to school with a tired, but happy group of kids!

Easter 2011

We had a wonderful Easter this year! We enjoyed a great sunrise service (a FIRST for the boys) & a delightful breakfast at chuch, an INDOOR Easter egg hunt due to the rain, and our first "egg dying" experience!

Colton's 3rd birthday

It's hard to believe that my "baby" is already 3! We were going to have his party at Shadowrock Park, but the incessant rain changed our plans. So, our backup plan was to have his party in the gym at Forsyth High School. We pulled out the scooters, hoola hoops, basketballs, tennis rackets, and bowling pins and let the kids go wild! They LOVED it! Colton's friends Evan, Hudson, Justin, and Kyle were there. They had a BLAST!

Cooper's 6th birthday

For his birthday this year, Cooper wanted to have a sleepover with some of his friends. I wasn't quite sure how it would go, but I agreed to let him invite Kaleb, Lucas, and Austin to spend the night and then go with us to Cooper's party at the LaQuinta Inn pool in Branson afterwards. They had a BLAST! They had supper and played at the McDonalds playplace, played basketball, watched Tom & Jerry, and played with EVERY single toy we own! Plus, no one got homesick, and they actually went to sleep fairly easily! It was a very fun sleepover! I can't believe how big my "little" boy is getting!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My sweet boys!

My brother and sister-in-law took some AMAZING pictures of the boys awhile back, and these are several of my favorites!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days!

I'm as bad as the kids when it comes to snow days! It's always so much fun to get an unexpected day off! So far this year, we've had 8 snow days and have had a lot of fun playing in the snow and trying out our new snow equipment--a sled and a snowball gun. Yes, this is the first year we've had a real sled (hard to believe, huh?) Last year, we used a boogie board and the year before that we tried a trash can lid, but that was a big flop! Cooper and Colton both really enjoyed sledding, throwing snowballs, and making snow angels! Fun times!

Christmas 2010

Christmas is my favorite holiday, and I love everything about it--the birth of our Saviour, getting together with family and friends, a much-needed break from school, the delight on my boys' faces as they unwrap their presents, decorating cookies and our Christmas tree, enjoying the Christmas lights that adorn many houses, and all the great food, games, and laughter! It's a magical time of year, and it never ceases to bring out the kid in me!